Thank you for your interest in renting a unit with us. Registering with the online Central Applicant Registry will ensure that you are in our database for consideration when a unit that meets your household needs becomes available.

Before you begin the registration process, please have the following information available:

  • If you are receiving social assistance payments, please have your monthly allowance(s) available for all of the following income sources:
  • Ontario Disability Support Program (and the name and phone number of your Income Maintenance Officer)
  • Ontario Works (and the name and phone number of your Income Maintenance Officer)
  • Canada Pension Plan
  • Old Age Security
  • Guaranteed Income Supplement
  • Canada Child Tax Benefit
  • Universal Child Care Benefit
  • Ontario Child Car Supplement for Working Families
  • Ontario Child Care Benefit
  • If you receive an Education Living Allowance, please have your monthly payments available for the year requested
  • Monthly child support payments
  • Copies of your most recent utility bill(s) (if applicable) to enter your monthly payments